Eyes On Docklands
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Eyes On Docklands
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Are your eyes feeling dry, gritty, or sandy?

Are your eyes feeling dry, gritty, or sandy?

Are your eyes feeling dry, gritty, or sandy?

If your eyes often feel dry and scratchy, watery and red, you may have a condition called Dry Eye. This occurs when the eyes are not kept moist enough by tears due to an instability in the quality or quantity of the tear film. Dry eye can be uncomfortable and is one of the most common eye complaints to walk through our clinical doors. Left untreated, dry eye can cause serious damage to the eye tissue and increases your risk of infection. Over time, the cornea (the eyes protective covering) could even become scarred, resulting in vision loss. Dry eye can also make wearing contact lenses very uncomfortable.

Dry eye disease is often chronic and poorly treated. If you have symptoms of dry eye, you’ll be glad to know that this condition can be greatly improved. Here at Eyes On Docklands we have invested in state of the art diagnostic and treatment equipment to be able to successfully manage this condition.

26 March 2019

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